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Transparent Green - A/C - 66x93
Torn Maroon - A/C - 66x99
Green Float - A/C - 66x88
Graphic Floats - A/C - 66x88
Umber and Grey - A/C - 66x66
What You See - A/C - 60x48
Digital Spread - A/C - 36x48
Grey Sentry - A/C - 48x36
Diagonal Moves - A/C - 48x112
Green to Blue - A/C - 60x48
Red to Grey - A/C - 34.5x45.5
Blue to Grey - A/C - 66x66
Blue Red Transposition - A/C - 66x66

Early Paintings

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These paintings are selected from among works that were completed in the 1970's, 80's and 90's.  They provide evidence of a sustained interest in color over the years and its application specifically in painting.

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